NFASP Responds to the Olympic Legacy SPG 2011

NFASP has submitted a lengthy and detailed response to the Olympic Legacy Supplementary Planning Guidance (OLSPG), making the case for distinguishing between the proposed commercially developed creative workspaces and the affordable artists' studios sector.
Using evidence from previous research and consultations the Federation was able to make a clear case for the inclusion of affordable studio spaces for artists as part of the legacy development, backed up with documentation and case studies.

The response, prepared by NFASP trustee David Powell, urges planners to consider the needs of the existing artistic population in the five Olympic boroughs, most of whom are already contributing to their communities both creatively and economically. It also highlights the numbers of artists looking for studio provision within those boroughs and the precarious nature of some of the short-term leases and licences which characterise the majority of artists' workspaces.
The response includes evidence  and examples gathered by NFASP , together with excerpts from Artists’ Studio Provision in the Host Boroughs: a review of the potential impacts of London’s Olympic Project and Investing in Communities: The provision of affordable artists’ studios: A role for Spatial Planning.
